Ex voto
Se fai questo mestiere, ti capitano un giorno sì e uno no. All’inizio, sono stimmate, epifanie del tuo impegno, ex voto della tua dedizione. Con gli anni, si sviluppa un certo stoicismo, però rimangono fastidiosi, anzi sommamente seccanti. E ci vogliono settimane per farli sparire.
Che siano frutto di un complotto farmaco-editoriale, in cui le due parti in gioco incamerano grassi profitti all’insaputa di noi, povere vittime?
A ogni buon conto, se non volete considerare i taglietti con la carta alla stregua di un infortunio sul lavoro, dateci almeno dei cerotti che rimangono attaccati, per la miseria.
Altro che ex-voto, stigmate!
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Paper Cuts
Endless duplication of lives and objects….
–Theodore Roethke
I have known the imperial power of secretaries,
the awesome indifference of receptionists,
I have been intimidated by desk & typewriter,
by the silver jaws of the stapler
& the lecherous kiss of the mucilage,
& the unctuousness of rubber cement
before it dries.
I have been afraid of telephones,
have put my mouth to their stale tobacco breath,
have been jarred to terror
by their jangling midnight music,
& their sudden blackness
even when they are white.
I have been afraid in elevators
amid the satin hiss of cables
& the silky lisping of air conditioners
& the helicopter blades of fans.
I have seen time killed in the office jungles
of undeclared war.
My fear has crept into the paper guillotine
& voyaged to the Arctic Circle of the water cooler.
My fear has followed me into the locked Ladies Room,
& down the iron fire stairs
to the postage meter.
I have seen the mailroom women like lost letters
frayed around the edges.
I have seen the Xerox room men
shuffling in & out among each other
like cards in identical decks.
I have come to tell you I have survived.
I bring you chains of paperclips instead of emeralds.
I bring you lottery tickets instead of poems.
I bring you mucilage instead of love.
I lay my body out before you on the desk.
I spread my hair amid a maze of rubber stamps.
I am open–will you lick me like an envelope?
I am bleeding–will you kiss my paper cuts?
© Erica Mann Jong
@ iguana jo Eggià!
@ lukiz Preso debitamente nota, grazie
@ Zia Bisbetica Ma che bella! Grazie!